Independent Legions Publishing is seeking original horror stories in English for the new anthology MONSTERS OF ANY KIND, edited by Alessandro Manzetti and Daniele Bonfanti, to be published in October 2018 in print and digital editions. Cover art by Wendy Saber Core.
We’re looking for horror stories containing at least one non-human monster/creature (and not vampires, ghosts, werewolves, zombies). Unusual creatures will be particularly appreciated. All subgenres and forms of speculative fiction are welcome. Word Count: We are open to stories of 3,500-5,000 words. Submissions Close: July 10, 2018 Pay Rate: We pay $100 for each original story. We buy first exclusive English-language rights for three years. We do not accept multiple or simultaneous submissions, nor do we accept unsolicited reprints. Submissions should follow standard manuscript format (12 pt Times New Roman or Courier fonts, 1” margins all around, line spacing 1½ or 2 spaces). It must be in .doc or .docx format or it will not be considered. Your name and contact information must be at the top of the first page of the story. Page numbers with author’s last name and/or partial story name on subsequent pages would be appreciated. Cover letter is optional, but if you do include one, please add a short bio (up to 200 words). Response time is currently within four weeks. After that, if you haven’t heard from us, please query. We will not be sending confirmations of receipt. Stories must be submitted as email attachments; to submit, put “SUBMISSION – MONSTERS OF ANY KIND” in the subject line and send to: [email protected]
2/12/2018 08:35:12 am
Hi, I have a story but my Mac often messes up DOC form. Any wiggle room?
Lisa Lepovetsky
6/17/2018 02:10:05 am
Is the lower word count firm? I have a story that should work, but it's very short.
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