Cover Reveal: Front Cover Artwork, by Wendy Saber Core, of A WINTER SLEEP, a new novel by Greg F. Gifune, coming out, in printed and digital edition, in April 2018.
Synopsis: In a haunted hotel on the outskirts of a forgotten town, a bizarre group of tenants guard a horrible secret. A troubled man on the run, with nothing left to lose, drives aimlessly along dark highways in search of redemption. A little boy, brutally attacked and left for dead, realizes the strange power his agony has granted him. An enigmatic homeless man with nightmares he can no longer control, lost in a violent dreamscape only he understands, watches and waits. As a snowstorm traps them all within the walls of the old hotel, where madness and depravity run wild, from the shadows, a new reign of lesser gods begins, and an aberrant evil fights for survival amidst the cold terror of a desolate winter, and the bloody dreams of the hopeless and the damned. "One of the best writers of his generation, Gifune is the author everyone should be reading." --Brian Keene
Available at Amazon (digital and paperback edition) the collection SPREE AND OTHER STORIES by Lucy Taylor. The collection includes: the novella 'Spree' (Cemetery Dance Publications, 1998) and the stories: 'Making the Woman' (from 'Unnatural Acts and Other Stories', Richard Kasak Books, 1994); 'Wall of Words' (from 'The Flesh Artist', Silver Salamander Press,1994); 'Extremophiles' (from 'Axes of Evil', Chuba Cabra House, 2014); 'Things of Which We Do Not Speak' (from 'The Flesh Artist', Silver Salamander Press, 1994); 'How Real Men Die' (from 'Fatal Journeys', Overlook Connection Press, 2014); 'La Senora Blanca' (from the anthology 'Danse Macabre: Close Encounters with the Reaper' edited by N. Kilpatrick; EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing, 2012). Front cover art by Wendy Saber Core. Rear Cover Art by Barandash Karandashich. Buy your copy paperback copy at Amazon Buy your digital copy af Amazon About the Author: Lucy Taylor is the award-winning author of seven novels, five collections, and over a hundred short stories. Most recently, her work has appeared in her collection Fatal Journeys and in the anthologies Fright Mare (“Dead Messengers”), Into Painfreak (“He Who Whispers the Dead Back to Life”), Peel Back the Skin (“Moth Frenzy”), and at (“Sweetlings,” May 4, 2017). Several of her stories can also be found on the short fiction app Great Jones Street. Upcoming work includes short stories in the anthologies The Five Senses of Horror (“In the Cave of the Delicate Singers”), Edward Bryant Tribute Anthology (“Blessed Be the Bound”), and CEA Greatest Anthology Written (“Fecundity”). A new edition of her Stoker-winning novel The Safety of Unknown Cities, illustrated by Glen Chadbourne and published by The Overlook Connection Press, will be out later this year. Taylor lives in the high desert outside Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Partito il nostro Canale Podcast CEMETERY POD! Our Podcast Channel CEMETERY POD is started!2/19/2018
Partito oggi il nostro Canale Podcast CEMETERY POD, dove potrete ascoltare molti contenuti dedicati al mondo horror; reading di brani da romanzi e racconti, rubriche di approfondimento sulla narrativa horror, sul fumetto, sulla musica e molto altro.
Le rubriche ed episodi in Italiano di Cemetery Pod, che si alterneranno: 'Horror Reading' (narrazioni di Lorenzo Visi); 'Southern Discomfort - Elogio del Macabro e dell'Oscuro' (a cura di Alessandro Manzetti); 'La Scatola di Lemarchard - Viaggio nei Mondi di Clive Barker' (a cura di Andrea Sirna); 'The Midnight Show - Il Cinema Horror senza Frontiere' (a cura di Silvia Riccò); 'GoodJack's Box - Rapsodie dell'Orrore' (a cura di Daniele Bonfanti); 'Splatter Radio - Il Necronomicon della Musica e del Fumetto Horror' (a cura di Paolo di Orazio); 'Uno Straniero al Cimitero' (Cemetery Pod apre i cancelli a ospiti speciali. Siamo partiti col primo episodio di Horror Reading (in Italiano), nel quale Lorenzo Visi interpreta brani di alcune opere horror, da noi pubblicate, di David J. Schow, Clive Barker, Richard Laymon e Caleb Battiago. Sotto potete ascoltare l'episodio, oppure andare direttamente alla piattaforma del nostro canale podcast Cemetery Pod In Inglese saranno disponibili altre rubriche e episodi: 'Horror Reading' (narrati da Hollis Monroe e Karen Bovenmyer); 'Rasputin's Corner - Horror Movies without Frontiers' (by Mike Lester); 'At the heart of Horror' (by Lucy Taylor); 'A Guest at the Main Gate' (Cemetery Pod hosts special guests). Started today our Podcast Channel CEMETERY POD, where you can listen to many contents dedicated to the horror world; book readings, from novels, novellas, anthologies and stories published by Independent Legions, columns about horror fiction, comic books, music and much more. The columns and episodes in English provided by Cemetery Pod will be: 'Horror Reading' (narrated by Hollis Monroe and Karen Bodenmyer); Rasputin's Corner - Horror Movies without Frontiers' (by Mike Lester); 'At the heart of Horror' (by Lucy Taylor); 'A Guest at the Main Gate' (Cemetery Pod hosts special guests) You'll find also many episodes and columns in Italian: Horror Reading (by Lorenzo Visi), 'Southern Discomfort - Elogio del Macabro e dell'Oscuro' (by Alessandro Manzetti); 'The Box of Lemarchard - Journey into the Worlds of Clive Barker' (by Andrea Sirna); 'The Midnight Show - Horror Cinema without Borders' (by Silvia Riccò); 'GoodJack's Box - Rapsodie dell'Orrore' (by Daniele Bonfanti); 'Splatter Radio - The Necronomicon of Music and Horror Comics' (by Paolo di Orazio); 'A Stranger at the Cemetery' (Cemetery Pod opens the gates to special guests. We started today with the first episode of Horror Reading (in Italian), in which Lorenzo Visi narrates some excerpts from horror works by by David J. Schow, Clive Barker, Richard Laymon and Caleb Battiago. The first episode in English will be live soon. Below you can listen to the first episode of Horror Reading (in Italian), or you can go directly to the platform of our podcast channel Cemetery Pod. We're pleased to announce the winner of The Beauty of Death 2 - Death by Water Editors' Choice Award, selected by editors Alessandro Manzetti and Jodi Renée Lester: NICOLA LOMBARDI, with his story 'Even the Stars Fall' NICOLA LOMBARDI is a horror writer, editor, and translator. Among his publications in Italian: I racconti della Piccola Bottega degli Orrori, La fiera della paura, Striges, I ragni zingari, La notte chiama (with Luigi Boccia), Madre Nera, La Cisterna, Pallide streghe d’autunno. In addition, he has published two novelizations from Dario Argento’s movies Profondo Rosso and Suspiria. Among his publications in English: the novel The Tank and the short stories “Tests of Courage” (in Disturbed Digest #10), “Sand Castle” (in Play Things & Past Times), “Hungry Shadows” (in Disturbed Digest #9), and “Professor Aligi’s Puppets” (in The Beauty of Death volume 1). His short stories have appeared in several magazines and anthologies. He translated into Italian the H.P. Lovecraft biography Dreamer on the Nightside by F.B. Long and, for Independent Legions, the collection Dread in the Beast by Charlee Jacob and the novel Mister Suicide by Nicole Cushing. He’s a Horror Writers Association active member and lives in Ferrara, Italy. Website: ![]() Congratulations to Nicola Lombardi, his story 'Even the Stars Fall' will be fully podcasted shortly on our forthcoming Podcast platform Cemetery Pod. Preordinabile sul nostro Store 'Il Giardino delle Delizie - Killer Version' di Caleb Battiago2/13/2018 Da oggi è preordinabile sul nostro Store la raccolta di racconti 'Il Giardino delle Delizie - Killer Version', prima edizione Italiana della raccolta di racconti 'The Garden of Delight', opera che ha recentemente ricevuto una nomination allo Splatterpunk Awards 2018 per la categoria 'Best Collection', e ha rappresentato la prima affermazione di un autore Italiano sulla scena horror-splatterpunk internazionale.
Questa edizione italiana, che sarà stampata in edizione 'Collection', in tiratura super-limitata a 66 copie firmate a mano dall'autore, in uscita il prossimo mese, sarà caratterizzata anche da contenuti extra e speciali. Preordina la tua copia del Giardino delle Delizie sul nostro store. Sinossi e contenuti dell'opera: Dal premio Bram Stoker Award (e sei volte finalista) Caleb Battiago, la prima edizione italiana della raccolta di racconti ‘The Garden of Delight’ (pubblicata in inglese da Comet Press nel 2017), che ha ricevuto una nomination al prestigioso Splatterpunk Awards 2018 per la categoria ‘Best Collection’. Contiene i racconti: Il Giardino delle Delizie (2016), Lu’lu (2015), Il Re che Dorme (2016), Der Bruter (2014), Lo Sciamano (2014), By the Sea (2016), L’uomo che Mangiava Fiori (2016), Malanima (2014), La Mattanza delle Sirene (2015), Regnum Congo (2015), L’Inferno di Capelli Lunghi (2015), Limbus (2015), Fiori di Carne (2015), Mictlan (2014), Padroni di Mostri (2014), Il Rosario (2015), Kozmic Blues (2016), Vessel (2014), Heretic Park (2015), Verso il Monte Meru (2014). Gran parte di questi racconti sono stati già pubblicati in italiano, in formato cartaceo, nella raccolta 'Kannibalika' (EUS Edizioni, 2016), opera attualmente fuori commercio. Contenuti extra: i racconti ‘Deadwood’ (2015), ‘Il Mitreo’ (2015), ‘La Gabbia d’Oro’ (2015), ‘Il Nano’ (2016), ‘In Servizio allo Sphinx Tatoue’ (2016), ‘Zero’ (2017), ‘Vivien Duemila Chili’ (2017). Contenuti speciali: il racconto inedito ‘Dark Calipso’ (2018) Edizione Collection – Tiratura limitata a 66 copie numerate e firmate dall’autore Pagine: circa 280. Copertina flessibile. Illustrazione di copertina di Wendy Saber Core. Uscita: Marzo 2018. Preordina la tua copia del Giardino delle Delizie sul nostro store. Alla mitica convention KillerCon (rinata e giunta oggi alla 28° Edizione), che si terrà ad Austin, Texas, dal 24 al 26 Agosto 2018, saranno protagonisti i grandi maestri dell'horror estremo (splatter, extreme, hardcore-horror), tra i quali molti maestri del genere e vere e proprie leggende, molti dei quali siamo onorati di annoverare tra i nostri migliori autori: Edward Lee, David J. Schow, Charlee Jacob, Brian Keene, Jack Ketchum (recentemente scomparso), Lucy Taylor, Wrath James White, Matt Shaw, Jeff Strand, Ryan Harding, Monica O'Rourke e tanti altri, che si contenderanno lo SPLATTERPUNK AWARDS 2018. Le nominations sono stare rese note qualche giorno fa (lista completa delle nominations), e dunque approfittiamo per congratularci con tutti i finalisti e in particolare con i nostri autori: EDWARD LEE, finalista nella categoria Best Novel con White Trash Gothic (Deadite Press, romanzo del quale abbiamo pubblicato in anteprima, a giugno 2016 un lungo estratto nell'antologia 'The Beauty of Death Vol. 1'), CHARLEE JACOB, finalista con 'Containment' (Necro Publication), DAVID J. SCHOW, vincitore del premio alla carriera J. F. Gonzalez, JACK KETCHUM (purtroppo recentemente scomparso) finalista nella categoria Best Collection con 'Gorilla in my Room' (Cemetery Dance Publications). Foto di una delle precedenti edizioni del KillerCon: da sinistra: Edward Lee, Brian Keene, Carlton Mellick III e John Skipp (anche questi nostri autori) Ma la vera novità del KilerCon è rappresentata dal primo squillo 'Italiano' sulla scena Splatterpunk internazionale. Il nostro autore e CEO Alessandro Manzetti (aka Caleb Battiago) ha ricevuto una nomination allo Splatterpunk Awards 2018 nella categoria 'Best Collection', con la raccolta di racconti 'The Garden of Delight' (Comet Press). Si tratta del primo riconoscimento ufficiale a un autore Italiano nel genere splatterpunk/extreme-hardcore-horror internazionale. Alessandro Manzetti non è nuovo ad affermazioni internazionali, ha già vinto il Bram Stoker Award nel 2016, e ha ricevuto 6 nominations allo stesso premio, in edizioni diverse, inclusa quella in corso, oltre ad altri premi e nominations. Ma questa affermazione nel genere splatterpunk, che seguiamo molto da vicino come editore, sicuramente fa notizia, visto anche l'altissimo livello degli altri finalisti. I vincitori dello Splatterpunk Awards 2018, nelle varie categorie, saranno scelti da una giuria presieduta da David J. Schow, e annunciati durante la convention. Tra gli ospiti d'onore della convention figurano altri grandi maestri e interpreti di genere come Brian Keene, Matt Shaw, Lucy Taylor (nostra autrice, della quale è in uscita una nuova raccolta di racconti, in inglese, dal titolo Spree and Other Stories) e Monica O'Rourke (della quale abbiamo pubblicato un racconto inedito in inglese nell'antologia 'The Beauty of Death Vol.1') Il programma del KillerCon, ancora non annunciato integralmente, prevede molte altre attività, come vari contest di horror fiction estrema, una delle quali curata da Deadite Press (marchio leader per il genere extreme-horror, di proprietà di Eraserhead Press, editore fresco vincitore, a pari merito con noi, del 2017 Specialty Press Award della Horror Writers Association), panels e readings a cura di autori del calibro di Brian Keene, Edward Lee, Lucy Taylor, vari workshop e tante altre stimolanti iniziative interattive. Potete tenervi aggiornati sulla convention tramite il sito web del KillerCon. Per celebrare questo primo squillo 'Italiano' sulla scena splatterpunk internazionale, a brevissimo vi presenteremo l'edizione in italiano, (con tiratura limitata e copie numerate firmate a mano dall'autore) della raccolta di racconti 'The Garden of Delight' di Alessandro Manzetti (che sul mercato Italiano usa lo pseudonimo di Caleb Battiago), opera finalista allo Splatterpunk Awards 2018 nella categoria 'Best Collection'. Stay tuned!
Independent Legions Publishing is seeking original horror stories in English for the new anthology MONSTERS OF ANY KIND, edited by Alessandro Manzetti and Daniele Bonfanti, to be published in October 2018 in print and digital editions. Cover art by Wendy Saber Core.
We’re looking for horror stories containing at least one non-human monster/creature (and not vampires, ghosts, werewolves, zombies). Unusual creatures will be particularly appreciated. All subgenres and forms of speculative fiction are welcome. Word Count: We are open to stories of 3,500-5,000 words. Submissions Close: July 10, 2018 Pay Rate: We pay $100 for each original story. We buy first exclusive English-language rights for three years. We do not accept multiple or simultaneous submissions, nor do we accept unsolicited reprints. Submissions should follow standard manuscript format (12 pt Times New Roman or Courier fonts, 1” margins all around, line spacing 1½ or 2 spaces). It must be in .doc or .docx format or it will not be considered. Your name and contact information must be at the top of the first page of the story. Page numbers with author’s last name and/or partial story name on subsequent pages would be appreciated. Cover letter is optional, but if you do include one, please add a short bio (up to 200 words). Response time is currently within four weeks. After that, if you haven’t heard from us, please query. We will not be sending confirmations of receipt. Stories must be submitted as email attachments; to submit, put “SUBMISSION – MONSTERS OF ANY KIND” in the subject line and send to: [email protected] 'The Beauty of Death 2 - Death by Water' Anthology nominated for This Is Horror Awards 20172/9/2018 We're happy to learn that 'The Beauty of Death 2 - Death by Water' Anthology, edited by Alessandro Manzetti and Jodi Renée Lester, was nominated for THIS IS HORROR AWARDS 2017 in 'Anthology of the Year' category.
You may vote for your top two in each category, Voting closes at 12:01am GMT on Monday 26 February 2018. THIS IS HORROR AWARDS 2017 NOMINATIONS Novel of the Year Black Mad Wheel by Josh Malerman I Wish I Was Like You by S.P. Miskowski In the Valley of the Sun by Andy Davidson The Changeling by Victor LaValle The Devil Crept In by Ania Ahlborn Novella of the Year Agents of Dreamland by Caitlin R. Kiernan In the River by Jeremy Robert Johnson Mapping The Interior by Stephen Graham Jones Quiet Places by Jasper Bark The Murders of Molly Southbourne by Tade Thompson Short Story Collection of the Year Behold the Void by Philip Fracassi Everything That’s Underneath by Kristi DeMeester Her Body and Other Parties: Stories by Carmen Maria Machado She Said Destroy by Nadia Bulkin 13 Views of the Suicide Woods by Bracken MacLeod Anthology of the Year Behold!: Oddities, Curiosities and Undefinable Wonders, edited by Doug Murano Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology, edited by Ellen Datlow Looming Low Volume I, edited by Justin Steele and Sam Cowan New Fears, edited by Mark Morris The Beauty of Death 2 —Death By Water, edited by Alessandro Manzetti & Jodi Renée Lester Fiction Magazine of the Year Apex Magazine Black Static Gamut Nightmare Magazine The Dark Magazine Publisher of the Year ChiZine Publications Crystal Lake Publishing Journalstone Publishing Word Horde Fiction Podcast of the Year Nightmare Magazine Podcast Pseudopod Tales to Terrify The NoSleep Podcast The Other Stories by Hawk & Cleaver Nonfiction Podcast of the Year Last Podcast on the Left Lore Podcast Lovecraft eZine Podcast Post Mortem with Mick Garris The Horror Show with Brian Keene We're happy and proud to learn that the Horror Writers Association awarded us (tied with Eraserhead Press) with the 2017 HWA Specialty Press Award! The Specialty Press Award brings recognition to an outstanding publisher of horror, dark fantasy, and weird fiction. This year's Specialty Press Awards will be presented during StokerCon™ 2018 at the historic Biltmore Hotel in Providence, Rhode Island, March 1st-4th.
We're the first press located in italy to receive this prestigious award. StokerCon 2018 Announcement Read the press release _______________________________________ Siamo felici e orgogliosi di essere stati premiati dalla Horror Writers Association (a pari merito con l'editore inglese Eraserhead Press) con lo HWA Specialty Press Award 2017, prestigioso riconoscimento annuale per gli editori specializzati che danno prova di una eccezionale produzione nel genere horror, dark fantasy e weird. Il premio sarà presentato durante lo StokerCon™ 2018, che si terrà a Providence (Stati Uniti) dal 1 al 4 Marzo 2018. Siamo la prima casa editrice Italiana a ricevere questo prestigioso premio, negli anni passati a grandi realtà editoriali internazionali. Annuncio sul sito dello StokerCon 2018 Leggi il comunicato stampa We're happy to learn that the anthology 'The Beauty of Death 2 - Death by Water', edited by Alessandro Manzetti and Jodi Renee Lester, and the fiction collection 'The Carp-Faced Boy and Other Tales', by Thersa Matsuura, were nominated for the Bram Stoker Awards 2017. See the official announcement at HWA Website. Superior Achievement in a Novel Golden, Christopher – Ararat (St. Martin’s Press) King, Stephen and King, Owen – Sleeping Beauties (Scribner) Malerman, Josh – Black Mad Wheel (Ecco) Miskowski, S.P. – I Wish I Was Like You (JournalStone) Tem, Steve Rasnic – Ubo (Solaris) Superior Achievement in a First Novel Cabeen, Robert Payne – Cold Cuts (Omnium Gatherum Media) Davidson, Andy – In the Valley of the Sun (Skyhorse Publishing) Hayward, Matt – What Do Monsters Fear? (Post Mortem Press) Hepler, Jeremy – The Boulevard Monster (Bloodshot Books) Thomas, Scott – Kill Creek (Ink Shares) Superior Achievement in a Young Adult Novel French, Gillian – The Door to January (Islandport Press) Leveen, Tom – Hellworld (Simon Pulse) Liggett, Kim – The Last Harvest (Tor Teen) Lukavics, Amy – The Ravenous (Harlequin Teen) Porter, Sarah – When I Cast Your Shadow (Tor Teen) Superior Achievement in a Graphic Novel Carey, Mike and Arvind, Ethan David – Darkness Visible (IDW) Duffy, Damian and Butler, Octavia E. – Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation (Abrams ComicArts) Ferris, Emil – My Favorite Thing is Monsters (Fantagraphics) Hickman, Jonathan – The Black Monday Murders (Image Comics) Liu, Marjorie – Monstress Volume 2: The Blood (Image Comics) Superior Achievement in Long Fiction Edelman, Scott – Faking it Until Forever Comes (Liars, Fakers, and the Dead Who Eat Them) (Written Backwards) Jones, Stephen Graham – Mapping the Interior ( Kiernan, Caitlín R. – Agents of Dreamland ( Taylor, Lucy – Sweetlings ( Waggoner, Tim – A Kiss of Thorns (DarkFuse) Superior Achievement in Short Fiction Bailey, Michael – “I Will Be the Reflection Until the End” (Tales from the Lake Vol. 4) (Crystal Lake Publishing) Chambers, James – “A Song Left Behind in the Aztakea Hills” (Shadows Over Main Street, Volume 2) (Cutting Block Books) Mannetti, Lisa – “Apocalypse Then” (Never Fear: The Apocalypse) (13Thirty Books) Neugebauer, Annie – “So Sings the Siren” (Apex Magazine #101) (Apex Publications) Yardley, Mercedes M. – “Loving You Darkly” (F(r)iction Magazine #8) (Tethered by Letters) Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection Hill, Joe – Strange Weather (William Morrow) Kiste, Gwendolyn – And Her Smile Will Untether the Universe (JournalStone) Malerman, Josh – Goblin (Earthling Publications) Matsuura, Thersa – The Carp-Faced Boy and Other Tales (Independent Legions Publishing) McGrath, Patrick – Writing Madness (Centipede Press) Superior Achievement in a Screenplay Del Toro, Guillermo and Taylor, Vanessa – The Shape of Water (TSG Entertainment, Double Dare You Productions) Duffer, Matt and Duffer, Ross – Stranger Things: MadMax, Episode 02:01: Chapter One (21 Laps Entertainment, Monkey Massacre) Frost, Mark and Lynch, David – Twin Peaks, Part 8 (Rancho Rosa Partnership, Inc.) Palmer, Chase, Fukunaga, Cary, and Dauberman, Gary – It (New Line Cinema) Peele, Jordan – Get Out (Universal Pictures, Blumhouse Productions, QC Entertainment) Shyamalan, M. Night – Split (Blinding Edge Pictures, Blumhouse Productions) Superior Achievement in an Anthology Brooks, Kinitra, PhD., Addison, Linda D., and Morris, Susana, PhD. – Sycorax’s Daughters (Cedar Grove Publishing) Datlow, Ellen – Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology (Pegasus Books) Maberry, Jonathan and Romero, George A. – Nights of the Living Dead: An Anthology (St. Martin’s Griffin) Manzetti, Alessandro and Lester, Jodi Renee – The Beauty of Death Vol. 2: Death by Water (Independent Legions Publishing) Murano, Doug – Behold!: Oddities, Curiosities & Undefinable Wonders (Crystal Lake Publishing) Superior Achievement in Non-Fiction Brittany, Michele – Horror in Space: Critical Essays on a Film Subgenre (McFarland) Brooks, Kinitra D. – Searching for Sycorax: Black Women’s Hauntings of Contemporary Horror (Rutgers University Press) Hendrix, Grady. Paperbacks from Hell: The Twisted History of ‘70s and ‘80s Horror Fiction (Quirk Books) Jones, Stephen – The Art of Horror Movies: An Illustrated History (Applause Theatre & Cinema Books) Mynhardt, Joe and Johnson, Eugene – Where Nightmares Come From: The Art of Storytelling in the Horror Genre – (Crystal Lake Publishing) Superior Achievement in a Poetry Collection Frazier, Robert and Boston, Bruce – Visions of the Mutant Rain Forest (Crystal Lake Publishing) Manzetti, Alessandro – No Mercy (Crystal Lake Publishing) Simon, Marge and Turzillo, Mary – Satan’s Sweethearts (Weasel Press) Sng, Christina – A Collection of Nightmares (Raw Dog Screaming Press) Wytovich, Stephanie M. – Sheet Music to My Acoustic Nightmare (Raw Dog Screaming Press) |
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