Ecco come presenta Poppy Z. Brite, nella sua raccolta di racconti 'Are you Loathsome Tonight' (con prefazione di Peter Straub) il racconto 'SELF-MADE MAN' che sarà pubblicato nella antologia 'DANZE ERETICHE', in uscita questo mese:"
The greatest horror of this story is that it was written for Book of the Dead 3, an anthology that went through a series of delays, scandals, intrigues, amd near-lawsuits before sinking under the weight of editor...ial and publishing idiocy. As for the story itself, it was written midway through my novel Exquisite Corpse, and I just had to get some of the Jeffrey Dahmer-mania out of my system before I could go on. Some readers have complained that the characters in the novel are too influenced by Dahmer. If you're one of them, you might not like this story." (Poppy Z. Brite su 'Self-Made Man) E voi, siete pronti per questo racconto ai limiti? Come sapete, oltre questo racconto per DANZE ERETICHE, abbiamo acquisito i diritti di pubblicazione in Italiano, in esclusiva, di tutti i romanzi di genere horror di Poppy Z. Brite.
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